Search and Upload

This endpoint allows a client to search document in Crawford's core claim management system and upon successful retrieval, the document is uploaded in location provided in request.

Protocol Endpoint
POST api/documents/searchandupload
Parameter Data Type Parameter Description
ClaimId String Body Identifier of claim on search will be performed
ClientCode String Body Identifier of Client or Organization code
Documents Array of Objects Body List of objects which contain document data
Token GUID Header JWT generated post authorization
Parameter Data Type Parameter Description
DocumentName String Body Name of document to be searched on claim with extension
DocumentUploadURL String Body Valid location of document that has to be publicly accessible on which document will be uploaded. This can be Azure's SAS token URL with read, write and create access.
Field Description
ResponseCode Code associated to one type of Response
ResponseMessage Message associated to one type of Response
SearchResponse Array of Objects.
Field Description
IsSuccess Boolean Body Return true if document was found and uploaded in provided location
DocumentName String Body Name of document to be searched on claim with extension
DocumentUploadURL String Body Valid location of document that has to be publicly accessible on which document will be uploaded. This can be Azure's SAS token URL with read, write and create access.